Leading Company providing EDA-Test Development connectivity
OEM Partner with Major ATE Vendors, Terdayne, Verigy
Direct Sales Channels US, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, China, Korea,
¡@Incremental test development
Test Program Analyzer

¡@¡@TestInsight Product
¡@¡@STDL¡GConvert VCD/EVCD/WGL/STIL to ATE Platform
¡@¡@STPM¡GIncremental test program. Let engineers easy to merge each
¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@test items.
¡@Wizard¡GATE to Verilog Let RD easy to know what happen in testing.
¡@¡@TPA¡GAuto compare two different program. Easy to control program
¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@version and subcon production line.
* Support widest ATE Platform *